Getting Started

Learn how to integrate’s powerful web scraping and mapping capabilities into your applications.


All API requests require an API key passed in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer your_api_key_here

Core APIs

Usage Examples

Content Migration

Use the scraping API to migrate content from an old website to a new platform while preserving formatting.

Site Analysis

Map your website’s structure to understand content organization and identify broken links.

Content Indexing

Create a searchable index of your website’s content using our markdown output.

Documentation Tools

Build documentation tools that can automatically extract and format web content.

Error Handling

The API returns standard HTTP status codes:

  • 400: Bad Request (invalid parameters)
  • 401: Unauthorized (missing or invalid API key)
  • 500: Server Error

Common error responses include:

  • Insufficient credits
  • Invalid URL format
  • Invalid JSON payload
  • Missing required parameters

Rate Limiting and Credits

  • Each API call consumes credits from your account
  • Scraping: 1 credit per request
  • Mapping: 5 credits per request
  • Monitor your credit usage in the dashboard
  • Purchase additional credits as needed